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N900 Overview

N900 Handling

N900 Apps

N900 Topics

Research / Hints


How to check Firmware and Update
From the phone's home screen key in -> *#0000# (z.B. V10 2010-17-1 RX-51 Nokia)
Vor dem Einspielen einer Firmware müssen die User-Daten gesichert werden.

Info from here: http://nokia900.blogspot.com/2010/01/re-install-basic-software-after.html

This post is basically about which software which we should have on an standard installation:

    * Openssh client and server.
    * Personal Ip address.
    * Extra decoders support.
          o More decoders for the media player.
          o decoders-support.
    * Simple Brightness Applet.
          o Used for manage the bright from the time applet.
          o simple-brightness-applet
    * Autodisconnect.
          o Used for auto disconnect connections and save LOT OF BATTERY.
          o autodisconnect.
    * Cpumem applet
          o It shows a little graphic of cpu and memory usage on the right of the time.
          o cpumem-applet
    *  eCoach
          o Track your runnings.
          o  ecoach
    *  Flashlight
          o Use your N900 flash as a light.
          o flashlight-applet
    *  ForecaWeather
          o Check the weather.
          o  foreca-weather-applet
    * Frontview900
          o Scan documents easily.
          o frontview900
    *  OpenNTPD
          o Keep your time on the N900 synchronized.
          o openntpd
    * Personal Dataplan Monitor
          o Widget on the desktop to control your data plan usage.
          o personal-gprs-mon
    * x11vnc
          o Control your N900 from your computer.
          o x11vnc
    * Fmms
          o Send MMS from you N900.
          o fmms
    * Mobile hotspot

          o Transform your N900 on a wifi router and permit other gadgets to connect to internet.
          o mobilehotspot
    * Mafw Gst Subtitles Applet

          o Enable subtitles on the standard media player (not tested).
          o mafw-gst-subtitles-applet
    * Bluezwitch

          o Applet for bar time to easily turn on and off the bluetooth.
          o bluezwitch
    * Currency Converter

          o Converter between currencies.
          o currencyconverter
    * FM Radio

          o Convert your N900 on an standard FM radio.
          o fmradio
    * Grsync

          o Keep sync remote folders with your internal memory on the N900.
          o grsync
    * Series Finale

          o Use this app to keep track of all chapter of your favourites tv shows. It automatically download the series you want and you can manually select the chapter which you have already seen.
          o seriesfinale
    * Timed Silencer

          o Create flexible profiles to switch your device to the silent mode.
          o timedsilencer
    * Weight Jinni

          o Keep control of your weight and all you eat.
          o weightjinni
    * Bless n900

          o Improve your N900's camera with this application wich gives you lots of new options.
          o blessn900
    * maStory

          o Blogger client for the N900.
          o mastory
    * Ceferino

          o Free game very similar to the old school PANG.
          o ceferino
    * Dr Nok Snes

          o Sega Ness emulator.
          o drnoksnes
    * eSpeak Gui

          o Program to read the given text to "speak" it. This app is conctretely the graphical interface.
          o espeakgui
    * Metro Map

          o Metro maps of some of the biggest cities in Europe. It actually connect to their web pages and get real time updates for the calculation of the routes.
          o metromap-fremantle
    * Mirror

          o Use the SHIT front camera as a mirror.
          o mirror
    * Wifi Eye

          o Keep track of the distance, channel and power on the signals of tje wifis arround your N900.
          o wifieye
    * ReCaller

          o Record any sound wich goes throught your N900.
          o recaller
    * Mstar Dict

          o Translator dictionary. You have to download the actual dictionaries to use with this program.
          o mstardict
    * Urpo

          o Use SSH and Cups on the remote computer to print your documents from the N900.
          o urpo
    * Ansel-A

          o Apply efects to your pictures.
          o ansela

 Use the following command to install all the packages directly:

apt-get install decoders-support simple-brightness-applet autodisconnect adflashblock-css cpumem-applet ecoach flashlight-applet foreca-weather-applet frontview900 openntpd personal-gprs-mon x11vnc fmms mobilehotspot mafw-gst-subtitles-applet bluezwitch currencyconverter fmradio grsync seriesfinale timedsilencer weightjinni blessn900 mastory ceferino drnoksnes espeakgui gonvert maegirls metromap-fremantle mirror wifieye recaller mstardict urpo ansela

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